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Make A Big Splash with Simple Steps

When you have big expectations, but recognize your ability does not match your path, going back to the basics is key. It’s the little shifts that make a big difference in regaining your balance. Join me as I revisit jumping in the water for a low impact workout...

Practice In Action

One step at a time. Finding a way to keep going even in the “roadblocks” of life. Practice In Action is PIA. Let’s go! Play in...

One Marshmallow or Two

When I’m asked about how I get my balance back the answer is one step at a time. To realize that it is a process and to delay gratification as you see it realized is one of the most important characteristics you can develop. Join me as we explore the Standford...

Is There Trash Littering Your Mindset

Trash talk happens. It can be hurtful or even deceptive whether it happens when we are young, or later in life. Those limiting beliefs are like litter in our minds. Recognizing them and removing them is one way to regain a healthy balance in your thought life and...

You Are A Shining Star

Stars shine brightest in the darkness. When we gaze into a clear night sky its easy to forget how the darkness can be intimidating, lonely, or even overwhelming. Good news, there is light within you! Recognizing and feeding that part of you that shines will help you...

One Degree Can Make The Difference

Water heated to 211 degrees is hot. At 212 degrees it boils and the steam can power a locamotive. One degree difference can move your life forward in massive ways. Do not underestimate the power of small changes....

Inspiration Through the Storm

When you’re in the middle of a storm you can begin to doubt and give way to fear. It happens to all of us. Having a mindset to keep going and pushing through can see you to your destination and help grow your confidence....

Patience Is A Seed

Do you plant a garden? Whatever you sow, you will reap if you tend it well. I’ve been planting “patience” in my life and have been enjoying the fruition on this journey. Join me as we discover more tools to shift the balance in our lives to...

Life Is A Bowl Full Of Berries

Are you living a fruitful life? Join me as I reflect on the lessons from my berry wonderful breakfast. Play in new window |...

The Tale of Two Birds

The harder you work at something, the sweeter the achievement will be when you reach it. As a youngster I had an experience owning two different birds. Training them brought me perspective and insight to some valuable lessons that have far ranging applications for my...