by rushingwaterz | Dec 10, 2022 | Podcasts
You cannot pour from an empty cup. We all have a need to be in balance and feel fulfilled. Discovering those things that give you a sense of joy, purpose or satisfaction and being intentional to keep them in your schedule will certainly help you navigate hard times....
by rushingwaterz | Dec 9, 2022 | Podcasts
There is a saying that you cannot determine where you’re going until you know where you’ve been. It’s the end of the year and time to look back and assess what you set out to do in January, February, March….you get the picture. It’s an...
by rushingwaterz | Dec 9, 2022 | Podcasts
Winners never quit, they persevere. Working on anything until you figure it out is a huge way to boost your confidence, ignite your motivation and strengthen your ability to overcome difficulties. Obstacles can be beneficial if we choose to persist. Don’t quit...
by rushingwaterz | Dec 5, 2022 | Podcasts
If you’ve ever stumbled or lost your balance you know how valuable support is. Having support and others with the knowledge you need but may not have is invaluable to achieving your goals. You may think that encouragement is just a bunch of hot air, but...
by rushingwaterz | Dec 3, 2022 | Podcasts
When you are working towards balance perseverance is a key to your success. You’ve got to find a way to make things work. Find a way to shift your balance and gain your strength. Join me as I share some cool stories about getting stronger in the midst of trouble...
by rushingwaterz | Nov 28, 2022 | Podcasts
Want to see a transformation in your life? Be patient with the process. Nothing significant changes over night. There are steps, learning, unlearning and progress to be gained before the outcome is achieved. Patience can be your greatest ally as you manuever your way...
by rushingwaterz | Nov 27, 2022 | Podcasts
It is a well known fact that you cannot pour from an empty cup. It is also a fact that a cup cannot be filled if it is not open. Being open to life experiences, progress and outcomes is a mindset skill that takes daily practice. Join me as we discuss some thoughtful...
by rushingwaterz | Nov 24, 2022 | Podcasts
Habits. It’s not a four-letter word, though some people treat it like one. Your habits are how you will become the person you desire to be. In the face of over indulging we often need help staying on track. Join me as we explore the benefits of utiizing your...
by rushingwaterz | Nov 23, 2022 | Podcasts
The holiday season is a difficult time for many people. It often goes without discussion, but there are ways to keep your balance through it all. Join me as we discuss the choices of energy and direction to find your balance and get the most out of life....
by rushingwaterz | Nov 21, 2022 | Podcasts
It is not unusual for the circumstances of life to get in the way of your purpose. We get distracted, discouraged and out of balance. Recognizing what is in your “hands,” your abilities and passions as well as having the support and resources, you will...