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You Either Win Or Learn

How you view the world is how you will see everything. Mindset is key as you walk through life. Learning to choose the lessons from times when our expectations are not met are some of the most valuable we can learn. You only lose if you quit. Everything else then, is...

What’s In Your Neighborhood?

Sometimes the very thing we need is right under our nose. Recently I learned about a medicinal plant that has taken up residence in nearly every place I have. How many other things from which we could benefit, are in our neighborhood or known by a friend in our...

Trials Can Make Us Stronger

I’ve never met anyone who likes a trial. It’s uncomfortable and can be frustrating. When we frame it with a balanced mindset and put it in perspective, we can learn from it. Tempering glass is a process of intensities that creates a much stronger product...

Balance – Exercise For Your Brain

Staying balanced keeps you from falling. It is the key to healthy equilibrium and you can strengthen it with simple exercises. Join me as I share stories of past experiences with doctors, brain exercises and results....