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Ignore The Dogs Of Discouragement

Have you ever been chased by a dog? It can be alarming and unpleasant. The parallels of that and those dogs of negative energy and discouragement are many. Today’s episode is about staying on track and not giving your energy to those things that seek to dissuade...

Inspiration Is For The Birds

If you build it they will come. That line from “Field of Dreams” has everything to do with preparation and execution. Take your idea and formulate a plan. In the process of plan formulation and construction, the transformation within you will be as amazing...

Learn To Surf And You Will Enjoy The Waves

Stand on the sea shore and the waves just keep rolling in. It’s a great analogy of life. The waves of circumstances, emotions, financial situations, relationships, health or the lack of and the list goes on and on. Today’s episode is about a recent...

Trust The Process

When we begin anything we don’t always know how we are going to achieve the outcome we desire. It begins with taking action and keeping our eyes on the destination. Finding perspective and recognizing that the journey unfolds with each step is part of practicing...