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Redistribute The Load – Part 2

In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon tells us that two are better than one because they have a better return for their work. It’s absolutely true! We are limited in what we can do when we go it alone. But when we collaborate, or have help to lift the load...

Redistribute The Load

Being out of balance may look differently for everyone, but in a washing machine it’s always the same. You have to redistribute the load if you want your clothes to be ready for the dryer. Everything functions better when we take the time to balance our...

Re Appoint Your Disappointment

Einstein said, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” This is a fact, an unchangeable reality. So let’s learn to use it to our advantage. Instead of allowing challenges and disappointments to bring us down, we...

Fun, Party Of One!

Empty nesting, divorce, family dynamics… These life situations can take a toll on our self esteem and even how we pursue joy and having fun. Cultivating joy on my own has been something I’ve had to work at, not because I don’t know how to have fun,...