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Changing Your Mind With Your Imagination

Have you ever changed your mind? That is a common phrase to communicate a different decision has been made, but have you actually changed your mind? The pink and gray matter in your head is able to be developed and YOU have the power to do it. You can choose to change...

It’s Not Too Late

Your greatness, the dreams, ideas, and hopes you may have had in your youth, or ones that never materialized, do NOT have an expiration date!! They are still valid. If you’re reading this, you stilll have time. There have been many, MANY others who have...

In Order To Go FAR You Need To Identify The F.E.A.R.

One achronym for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. That is quite accurate. Evidence that appears real is not always true. Identifying your fears and exploring where they began can help you move from allowing them to make your decisions to being set free in your...

Share What You Love And The World Improves

Nothing replaces enthusiasm! There are people in this world who are praying to know what you know. To be able to learn how to do what you do. When you share the ability you have you shine your light. That greatness within you is meant to be shared and when you do it...