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Will Your Future Self Thank You?

Are you doing today what will get you to tomorrow as a healthy happy person? It’s a good focus as you walk through this life. Simple steps to stay active, take responsibility for your mental health, physical wellbeing, stress management and fulfilling endeavors...

I’m A Recovering Perfectionist

I’ve been in active recovery for years. It has helped me in all areas of my life as I’ve identified some of the trouble spots and have worked to create systems for myself to navigate them. Freedom is possible. I’m living proof....

Shine Your Potential

Batteries have an expiration date. So do we. I’ve been unpacking boxes in my move and have found some battery operated devices that are dead. It’s unfortunate that they were not used to their full potential. Sometimes we wait to engage in things out of...

Herding Cattle And Alignment

Herding cattle? There are similarities between the fear factor that moves a herd and the tactics the herdsmen utilize and taking steps towards better focus, less distraction and forward momentum for your own goals. Sound a little whacky? Join me as we discuss...