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Little Things Are The Beginnings of Big Things

You think it’s insignificant because it’s small, however, little things grow to big things. Little thoughts, little habits, little actions, they can all grow. Are you working on becoming someone stronger, more focused, more disciplined, more successful?...

Saying “Yes!” An Anniversary Of Growth Have you ever been taken on an adventure? It’s a bit like a surprise package because you just keep unwrapping it and new delights are continually revealed. Today, September 30, 2024, marks the 2 year anniversary...

It Doesn’t Get Much Simpler Than This

Ask any successful athletic coach and they will tell you that the key to success is in the basics. It’s the elemental skills practiced again and again that yield strength, discipline and ultimately winning success. Life is a big game, learning to play it well is...

Finding Success In The Settings

The foundation of anything is significant. It is the basis on which everything else is built. If you begin with a rough or crooked foundation, you’re going to have a structure that is compromised the more you build. Our mindset also follows this premise....

Kick Out Can’t

My father used to tell me, “Can’t never did anything.” My father was right! On my continuing quest of taking my thoughts captive and learning to direct my mindset I have discovered a little, yet very powerful voice inside of me that whispers,...