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Trust The Process

When we begin anything we don’t always know how we are going to achieve the outcome we desire. It begins with taking action and keeping our eyes on the destination. Finding perspective and recognizing that the journey unfolds with each step is part of practicing...

Helping You Find More In 2024

MORE. it looks like something different for each person. What you want is not necessarily what your neighbor wants, or what I want. Helping others find more in their lives has a return to it. It is a sowing and reaping when we help one another. Today’s episode...

What Why Is Driving You

Read that again, it’s not a typo. Do you know your ‘why’? Are you in touch with the reasons for your choices of how you use your time, your thoughts, your talents? Knowing why you’re doing something is even more important than knowing how to do...

Change Your Perspective, Transform Your Outcome

Thomas Edison had to overcome hundreds and hundreds of failed attempts to invent the light bulb. He said, “When you think you have exhausted all possibilites, you haven’t.” Changing your perspective on your pursuits is a great way to keep moving...

Are You Open

Hearing about other people’s journeys to find abundace and success in life are the stories that inspire us. Today’s podcast is about the reality that the answers you are looking for may be right before you, or even within you. If you’re open and have...