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A Point To Ponder #5 – Paralysis By Analysis

We can all get stuck in our heads. Fear is a real emotion, but the thoughts creating it are often times false analysis created from what we think the unknown will be. Listen and ponder this point to make another little shift towards balance in your life....

Action Is Bliss

Ignorance is not bliss, action is! Are you ready to take another step to uncovering your greatness? Making a mindset shift in how you view difficulties will empower you to take action and discover that facing your fear of the unknown is your new ally....

Make A Shift With Dopamine

Life can feel overwhelming sometimes. Finding a balance in the fray requires making little shifts to get yourself back to center. Listen as we explore a few ways to hack into your body’s own resources to help you feel more balance within and be more productive....

I Love Reunions

Reconnecting with people is one of my favorite things. Besides it being wonderful to share space with others whose worth I am thoroughly persuaded, it is a great tool of balance. Reminiscing brings perspective as you look back and are able to see even more clearly...