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Be You

You are a one-of-a-kind. There is no one else like you. In a world full of imitations, you are your best asset. One of the best ways to practice life balance is to live as your genuine self. The world needs you to be you. You are beautiful....

Overwhelmed? Lessons From Line Dancing

It’s not the overwhelm that is the problem. It’s our negative view of the overwhelm that is the issue. Learning to frame things differently has been one of the best exercises I practice to help me regain balance. My time in line dancing classes was a great...

Be A Designer

I want to design my life and not merely be a consumer of it. Don’t you? This life goes by way too quickly not to determine your own outcome. A recent project of deconstructing a fence had me thinking of the correlations between that and my thought life. When we...

Define Your Space

Clutter, distractions and multi-purpose spaces in our lives can keep us from achieving the productivity that we desire. Defining our physical spaces as well as the one between our ears is a healthy shift to make towards a more balanced life for 2023....