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Saying “Yes!” An Anniversary Of Growth Have you ever been taken on an adventure? It’s a bit like a surprise package because you just keep unwrapping it and new delights are continually revealed. Today, September 30, 2024, marks the 2 year anniversary...

It Doesn’t Get Much Simpler Than This

Ask any successful athletic coach and they will tell you that the key to success is in the basics. It’s the elemental skills practiced again and again that yield strength, discipline and ultimately winning success. Life is a big game, learning to play it well is...

Finding Success In The Settings

The foundation of anything is significant. It is the basis on which everything else is built. If you begin with a rough or crooked foundation, you’re going to have a structure that is compromised the more you build. Our mindset also follows this premise....

Kick Out Can’t

My father used to tell me, “Can’t never did anything.” My father was right! On my continuing quest of taking my thoughts captive and learning to direct my mindset I have discovered a little, yet very powerful voice inside of me that whispers,...

Take Courage

We all have fear. It can be debilitating and keep us from joy and success in our lives. One way to overcome fear is to take courage. It’s not the absence of fear, but the strength to act in the face of fear. Taking courage won’t solve everything, but it...

Perseverance Is An Olympic Event

Hurdles, challenges, difficulties, we all have them. They come in any way imaginable and stand in the way of us getting the outcome we desire. Figuring out a way through the challenges may seem daunting and can be frustrating, but the only way you fail is if you quit....

Size Matters Start Small

New beginnings are best managed when they are manageable. For me that can mean a small garden for the time I have to give it. When things are too big, too vast, or too time consuming there tends to be loss and neglect somewhere in that mix. I did not want that with my...

Opportunity For Growth

The growing season has many lessons if we are paying attention. My garden is rich with seeds for thought and life application. This episode is about brokenness and the opportunity is gives us to start again. Feeling cut off, wounded, alone? Keep listening and you may...

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